Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Oscar Wilde, this man is not.

Gritsforbreakfast. That is his name. Gritsforbreakfast. There was no real name in his “about me” section. So, before I get to Gritsforbreakfast’s post, I have to ride him for being childish enough to succeed in not posting his name in his profile.

As for the post I read, Grits took a completely valid position on a county jail in Howard, Texas being overcrowded. He was a good boy by giving us external links to actual numbers that show how many people were in the county jails, as well as the actual fine print of various laws, and even a PDF guide showing alternative methods to help keep the population under control in the jails. But, this guy is horrible. He cannot write to save his life, unless we broaden the definition to those who can spell. He had just terrible sentence structures, and he could not have been anymore droll in his language. Grits had no panache in his writing nor did he have subtly. He just presented facts, and blatantly stated his opinion. A good post would have presented the fact, but the language used would have had underlying connotations which displayed the writer’s emotion toward the subject. I understand I am not following any of my critique right now, but that is simply due to the fact that I am writing a critique of this guy. There is no subtle way to describe just how lackluster this Grits is. So, Mr. Gritsforbreakfast, learn how to add tact to your writing. It will go a long way.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Is there a "West Wing" in the Governor's mansion?

It looks like Peggy Fikac knew what she was talking about in her piece on the upcoming redistricting which follows the even closer upcoming 2010 census, and how the Democrats in the Texas Legislature hope to get the scales to tip in their favor for the mid-term elections. Peggy showed she knew both the state House and Senate must pass the bill on the redistricting and the Governor must sign it. Here is where she gives us a poorly written episode of the West Wing, an episode sans Aaron Sorkin writing the story. Peggy informed us the House has a 76-74 GOP majority. Many think the Democrats will actually succeed in taking the House, while the GOP will keep the Senate. You see, the Democrats want the House for more than just having the House. They want it with the bonus incentive in having a shot at tipping the redistricting scale in their favor.

Should the Democrats take the House, and they create the perfect mudslinging fight on the floor is when all hell breaks loose. You see, should the Legislature not be able to come up with a resolution, the Legislative Redistricting Board is called into settle the matter. The LRB is an impromptu committee composed of the lt governor, House Speaker, attorney general, comptroller and the land commissioner. All of which are held by the GOP. Even if the Democrats take the House, only the House speaker would be a Democrat, and would be overturned by the rest of the members of the board.

So with the background story laid out, Peggy went on to talk about all the inside baseball that is going on and would go on in the upcoming Fight For Redistricting. She gave a voice to a few Democrats up against the odds. Thus begins the afore mentioned West Wing episode where Peggy is giving us more information and allows the reader to sit and think after reading this. “What will happen next?”

Not bad, Peggy. You gave us a completely benign commentary on the Democrats’ struggle to take back the House and have a miniscule chance at redistricting in their favor.